Safety 4 HEd 

Bespoke as Standard


  • Expert Witness Services
  • General Consultancy
  • Investigations
  • Audit and Inspection
  • Fire Risk Assessment
  • Training
  • Second Opinion


What You Get

One of the things that make Vincent Theobald-Vega different from a lot of other experts is the breadth of his experience. Expert witnesses tend to be specialists in one, narrow area, but Vincent has worked in agriculture, forestry, construction, asbestos, fire issues, chemical issues, laboratories, even genetically modified organisms.

Vincent says: โ€œMy huge range of expertise allows me to take tools and techniques from one discipline and work with them in another. This makes life so much simpler when trying to find solutions to problems, as you can lift certain aspects and apply them to another situation. That is what health and safety is all about, finding solutions to problems.โ€ โ€œReal life doesn't classify problems for you, you need to be flexible and understand that situations are often complex. To get to the bottom you need an in depth look that isn't obsessively looking at things from one perspective only.โ€

Multi Award Winning

Vincent and Safety 4 HEd have been consistently winning awards since 2015. You can visit our awards page at for more information on the long list of awards to date. Naturally if you want to know more email and ask.

These awards underline the quality and range of the bespoke health and safety services Safety 4 HEd offers our clients, across a wide range of issues. Our Expert Witness services are as much about not going to Court as they are about supporting Court cases. Our bespoke health and safety services support you in preventing accidents, incidents and a wide range of other issues.


Charges from the HSE

The HSE charges a Fee for Intervention at ยฃ163 per hour, that is over ยฃ1,300 per day per Inspector, with more than one Inspector often being involved in a case. Vincent's charges are much more modest and he can assist with preventing costs rising out of control. Legal aid cases also are undertaken and Safety 4 HEd's fees can be spread for longer engagements.

Qualifications and Memberships

FIIRSM Fellow of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management.
FRSPH Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health
CMIOSH Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
MISTR Member of the Institute for Safety in Technology and Research
EurOSHM European Occupational Safety and Health Manager
Member of The Health and Safety Lawyers Association
Member of The Federation Of Forensic And Expert Witnesses

1989 โ€“ HSE as HM Inspector of Health and Safety

Undertook numerous prosecutions (including defended cases) on various areas such as
construction, asbestos and dangerous machinery.

1999 โ€“ moved to Newcastle University

2002 โ€“ Head of Safety for Newcastle University

Renewed the health and safety culture, reducing accident rates despite increases in students, staff and complexity of work undertaken. Additional skills developed in fire safety, biological and chemical issues. Included work with genetically modified organisms and high hazard pathogens.

2012 โ€“ Freelance consultancy as Safety 4 HEd.

Clients large and small including Universities, technical companies, international organisations, other consultancies, and charities.

2014 started undertaking expert witness services, including Civil and Criminal cases. Most case reports for simple cases are available within three weeks of instruction with papers.

Experienced with difficult working situations

Having worked with most things from Asbestos exposures to electrical explosions, Vincent is ideally placed to help you with difficult cases. Vincent is also an experienced lecturer and qualified teacher, used to explaining things in straightforward ways and pitching to people of all walks of life and backgrounds. Use the website at to find out more โ€“ or contact Vincent directly by email at or telephone on 07940 564889.


Physically located just outside Newcastle-upon-Tyne but undertakes work nationally when necessary.

T: 07940564889