Vincent Theobald-Vega
Safety 4 HEd

In 2012 Vincent left Newcastle University to start working full time as a consultant. Safety 4 HEd (named as ‘ Safety for H igher Ed ucation') was established. It had originally been a collaboration between four former university safety heads. The intent was to provide health and safety support services to Universities. This was to aid the sector by providing improved depth and service resilience (especially for small teams). Since then, commercial necessities have led our company to open up services to a much wider range of clients. Universities and research and teaching companies are still the largest part of the client base.

Vincent Theobald-Vega studied Forestry (BSc,  Bangor ) and Biological Computation (MSc,  York ), before joining the HSE in October 1989. He was based in the Newcastle-upon-Tyne ‘Area Office' and assigned to an Agriculture Group. During this time he learnt the basics of being an Inspector and obtained his Postgraduate Diploma ( Aston ). Vincent also undertook prosecutions, presenting the cases himself instead of using a solicitor. This was unusual for an Agriculture Inspector at that time.