
Dr. E Robert Brown

About Robert

Dr Robert E. Brown or Robert as he prefers to be called, is an expert witness in the fields of electrical, electronic and control engineering. A renowned expert in the operation and design of electrical fuses, circuit breakers and other electrical fault protection systems, specialising in how these devices operate in domestic and industrial systems with relevance to the faults generated by domestic appliances and industrial equipment.

Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineer

Providing consulting and expert witness services to the legal and industrial sectors and private individuals.


Robert’s expertise also includes the design and operation of electrical and electronic control systems for domestic and industrial environments including cable wiring, electrical current switching, electrical power generation and utilisation, automatic (computer) control of domestic and industrial process, sensory and sensor systems including parameter data capture and accurate data ‘representation’.

Expert witness in the fields of electrical, electronic and control engineering.

Robert has provided expert and legal representation, acting as a single joint expert in numerous cases, having also acted as an expert working directly with private individuals, solicitors, barristers and other legal professionals. He has extensive court experience ranging from International Courts to County Courts.

Robert also has media experience having appeared on national television for the BBC, giving advice and evidence for the consumer protection series of programs ‘Don’t get done get DOM’ and XRay, BBC Wales version of ‘the popular primetime BBC program ‘Watchdog’

  • Membership: Eur Ing – FEANI – European Federation of National
  • Engineering Associations – IntPE(UK) – International Professional
  • Engineer – CEng – Chartered Electrical Engineer – UK Engineering Council Register MIET – Member,
  • Institution of Engineering Technology – FFEW Member


Dr. Robert Brown. An expert witness in the fields of electrical, electronic and control engineering. A renowned expert in the operation and design of electrical fuses, circuit breakers and other electrical fault protection systems, specialising in how these devices operate in domestic and industrial systems.

Land Line: +44 (0) 1777 709 175
Mobile: +44 (0) 7976 250 624