Mr Keith McMillan FBE MCIOB – Chartered Construction Manager


Mr Keith McMillan FBE MCIOB

Keith McMillan is principal consultant with over 40 years’ experience at McMillan Associates, Chartered Construction Consultants, providing Expert Witness and Claims Management services in; construction, light & heavy rail, utilities, port & airports and tunnelling. The consultancy also has a specialist risk management, value engineering and operational audit team.

As a Chartered Construction Manager with over 40 years’ experience gained in a variety of roles, London based Keith McMillan is ideally suited to serve as an expert on construction and related disputes.

It is his accumulated experience and practical understanding of the day to day workings of all aspects of the construction, building, tunnelling and infrastructure industries, gained from a lengthy career of project based roles and complimented by a comprehensive technical and contractual knowledge, which sets him apart.

A career that has taken him from office junior and chain boy to running major construction projects and to the board room, provides the in-depth appreciation of the causes that give rise to so many contractual confrontations. His dispute experience ranges from giving evidence at County Courts to UK bi-lingual and international arbitrations and tribunals. He was one of the first professionals to become an accredited adjudicator.

As his record demonstrates, Keith is at home managing a major construction project, leading an international team of experts or forensically examining the minutiae of a local building dispute as he is heading a substantial commercial department.

His list of executive roles is exceptional and includes a number of extremely litigious contracts, where his appointment reflected the requirement for a senior professional with comprehensive experience in dispute resolution, which was often subsequently tested to the full.
These roles include;
Senior Commercial Manager, Channel Tunnel Project
Head of Commercial/Contracts/Procurement, Rail Track & Network Rail.
Commercial Associate, Scott Wilson Business Consultancy
Construction Director, Flexer Construction
Manager Bechtel Telecoms, Paris
Specialist Project Manager, Bechtel Essen
Technical Adviser on UK, European and Asian Projects

This broad and diverse practical career, fully supported by comprehensive academic and technical qualifications, results in him bringing hands-on, coal face experience to situations demanding a holistic view. The combination of, day to day work place experience and senior management provides an understanding of the complexities and pressures, which are so often the root cause of disputes. He is clear thinking and objective, with his experience of both sides of industry resulting in him seeing beyond the apparently obvious. An essential ability for an expert witness.

A stickler for accuracy and insistence on quality of presentation, results in McMillan Associate Reports being clear and concise, containing opinions based on hard earned experience and a keen eye for detail, not just academic theory. When called upon he defends his opinions in a positive but unconfrontational manner under cross examination.

He brings the same qualities to bear on his claims work, where having been a technical advisor on so many contracts gives him an unrivalled experience of examining the complexities of bespoke contracts prepared under SoPC4, as well as the various standard form contracts.

Memberships include:

Fellow Faculty of the Built Environment, Member Chartered Institute of Building, Accredited Adjudicator. Formerly, Fellow Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors & Associate Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Technical contributor for radio interviews, Member of the FFEW