Medical Genomics

Medical Genomics

Contact Number: 0844 5671071

Since it first entered the criminal legal practice, DNA has become an indispensable tool in fighting crime, allowing both unambiguous identification of the criminal by traces of biological material left at the crime scene, as well as acquitting innocent suspects. Understanding how DNA evidence is obtained and evaluated allows the defence to find pitfalls in the evidence and in data interpretation.

A match between the defendant and a biological sample recovered from the crime scene does not and should not automatically mean conviction, even if it is a complete match. DNA is a means of identification and, as other means of identification, it is prone to errors, uncertainties and conflicting interpretations.

As a trusted and ethical provider of genetic testing services within the UK and Europe, Medical Genomics has been at the front line of genetic research, as founder of the company Andrei Semikhodskii explained in a recent interview:

“At Medical Genomics we will guide you through DNA evidence in your particular case, help you to understand how DNA evidence was obtained, whether it can be interpreted in a way different form that of the prosecution expert, explain what is the significance and the probative value of the evidence and how it can be successfully challenged in court in order to minimize its impact or even dismiss it completely.

Our laboratory offers the world most accurate paternity testing as well as an extensive range of DNA tests for kinship determination, including twins zygocity, siblingship and grand parentage among others. In some cases, results of DNA testing may need to be presented in court. For this purpose we have legally accepted tests for determining paternity and maternity as well as DNA testing for immigration purposes. We will also provide Expert Witness testimony in court should this be required.”

The company has published extensively in legal press on the use of DNA in legal practice including the book “Dealing with DNA evidence: A Legal Guide”, which, as the first of its kind, treats DNA evidence within the framework of English Law.

Boasting vast experience in providing DNA Expert Witness Services for the defence, the company expertise covers the whole range of DNA evidence:

• STR genotyping: SGM, SGM+, Y-STR, LCN DNA testing
• Analysis of mixed DNA profiles: mt DNA Analysis; RFLP genotyping; SLP; MLP
• DNA data interpretation

The company’s most recent cases include:

R v Ashman (2009) Lewes Crown Court (unreported)
R v Kamara (2009) Central Criminal Court (unreported)
R v Browne (2008) Teeside Crown Court (unreported)
R v Flowers (2008) Southwark Crown Court (unreported)
R v Roberts (2007) Southwark Crown Court (unreported)
R v Kent (2007) Peterborough Magistrate Court (unreported)
R v Birmingham (2007) Kingston Crown Court (unreported)
R v Grant (2006) Reading Crown Court (unreported)
R v Brima [2006] EWCA Crim 408
R v Galvin (2006) Reading Crown Court (unreported)
R v Coe (2006) Leeds Crown Court (unreported)
R v Smith (2005) Reading Crown Court (unreported)
R v Lawrence (2005) Reading Crown Court (unreported)
R v Brima (2005) Central Criminal Court (unreported)

With genetic testing technology constantly evolving, the company strives to provide its’ clients with the best available service by testing each DNA sample twice; using state of the art DNA
testing equipment to ensure unparalleled accuracy of results “The turnaround of 10-12 working days guarantees that our clients do not need to wait long for results of a paternity test or any other DNA test they ordered. Added to this our competitive prices make the tests affordable to anyone who requires them.”

“At Medical Genomics we acknowledge the unalienable right of every individual to privacy and confidentiality and see it our duty to use genetic information ethically and respectfully,” Andrei added, “We remain committed to stand by this pledge and to abide by national and international legislation with regard to genetic and medical research and information. We feel responsible to prevent misuse of genetic and other information obtained in the course of our services.”

If you would like to get expert opinion on DNA evidence in your case or obtain a quotation please contact:

Tel: 0844 567 1071